About Hungama Game app

Play games and get real money - Hungama games! lets you play some of the best mobile games out there and earn cash rewards.


We make Complex Products Simple & Simple Products Engaging, by redefining the Information Architecture of the product.

The designs included different modules like login, gameplay, leaderboard, stories and others

We Design to Simplify solutions through creativity and innovation.

You should anticipate what the player is going to want to know, and what they're going to want to see. Game UI is an interface that includes components that help players navigate, find information, and complete goals. There is a large list of game UI components--badges, coin counters, levels, etc.

"Reality is broken. Game designers can fix it."

We designed an incredibly bright and distinctive UI that almost pops out of the screen. We made the UI intuitive. That's really the most important thing. Without that, the game design is useless, broken.

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